Black Dirt Farm Stewing Hens

Stewing Hens
Stewing hens are culled laying hens.  They are a more flavorful meat that roasting or fryer birds, but due to their age, the meat requires longer cooking and is best used in soups and stews.  The superior flavor and nutritional value from stewing hens results from their older age (more nutrients, like collagen, accumulate in the bone over time) and their sex (hens have more collagen than roosters).  

Our Practices
Our hens are raised on a dynamic foraging system that includes pasture and compost forage, as well as non-GMO grain.  Our birds are free-range, never having been confined to a cage or a small chicken tractor, and have their choice of multiple environments (usually 6-7) to choose from at any one time.  We believe creating the opportunity for the expression of choice is one way in which we can express respect for our birds and extend greater autonomy to them in an effort to be in a relationship of respect.  

Finding Stewing Hens
You can purchase stewing hens individually or by the case (10 count) at the farm, or at one of our retail partners.  

Black Dirt Farm offers wholesale stewing hens by the case.  We provide you with POS materials to improve product visibility and customer education.  Please inquire with us for pricing.